Frequently Asked Questions

  • Manitobans can enroll in the program from April 1, 2022 until March 31, 2025 or until the maximum number of participants (4,500) have been enrolled, whichever comes first.

  • There is no cost to participate in this program. The program is funded through a social impact bond. See https://www.gov.mb.ca/sib/index.html for more info on what a social impact bond is. The cost of medications used to help you quit smoking is not included in the program. However, the program includes a $100 subsidy to help offset any medication costs you may incur.

  • After enrolling in the program, your pharmacist will schedule an initial assessment appointment with you. This appointment may take up to 60 minutes and will include a health and medication history, a detailed tobacco use history, creation of a personalized quit plan, prescribing of medications to help you quit (if you want them), and arranging for follow-up. Up to nine (9) follow-up appointments are included in the program, which may take 5-15 minutes each.

  • A list of participating pharmacies will be available on the Quit Smoking MB website, conveniently arranged by health region, so you can find the pharmacy nearest to you.

  • The first step to quitting is deciding it’s time to quit! While many people understand the risks of using tobacco, taking that first step towards quitting can be scary for many. Talk to your pharmacist about quitting tobacco and enrolling in the program.

  • There are many benefits to quitting tobacco, ranging from health benefits to financial and even emotional or psychological. Quitting cigarettes increases how long you are likely to live, reduces your risk of a dozen different types of cancer, and lowers your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and lung disease, among many other health benefits. Stopping smoking can also save you and your family a significant amount of money. It can help you feel in control of your life and health by defeating the addiction.

  • Talk to your pharmacist for help determining if you are ready to quit. Typically, someone who is ready to quit has decided it is a high priority in their life to become smoke-free, is confident they have the resources to do it, and are ready to set a quit date in the near future.

  • While it is not uncommon to gain weight while quitting smoking, it is by no means a certainty. By focusing on eating healthy foods and getting daily physical activity, you can reduce the chances of gaining weight.

  • The first few days of a quit attempt can be the toughest. But your pharmacist will help equip you with strategies for dealing with cravings and can prescribe medications to help with nicotine withdrawal symptoms, if you want them. As time passes, physical withdrawal symptoms become less but cravings can still occur. Your pharmacist will provide ongoing support to help you manage them.

  • While reducing use of any and all forms of nicotine is beneficial for your health, to be eligible for this program you must smoke cigarettes. (You can participate if you use more than one form of nicotine, so long as one of those forms is smoking cigarettes.)

  • Quitting smoking can be tough. Slips (temporary returns to tobacco use) and relapse (more sustained return to tobacco use) can be part of many people’s quit journey. Your pharmacist will continue to provide coaching and support for up to 12 months after your initial appointment and can help you get back on track if you’ve had a setback.

  • There is no cost to participate in the program. The program includes the 60-minute initial assessment, up to 9 follow-up appointments over the following year, and a $100 subsidy to help with the costs of any medications you may choose. The cost of medications is not included in the program but may be covered by other private insurance or public drug programs you are eligible for.

  • There are two main categories of NRT – or nicotine replacement therapy – long-acting and fast-acting. The nicotine patch is a long-acting option and releases a steady stream of nicotine in your blood to help prevent cravings and withdrawal symptoms before they happen. Fast-acting NRT, like gum, lozenges, inhalers, and sprays can help quickly relieve cravings and withdrawal symptoms when they occur. Long-acting and fast-acting NRT can be used together, and this often leads to better results.

  • You may enroll in the program once per 12-month period. If you are still using cigarettes more than 12 months after your initial assessment appointment, you may re-enroll for a second time.

  • Some of the best steps you can do to increase your chances of quitting for good include:

    • Find your reason – what is the deepest, most powerful reason you want to quit? Remember this reason when the going gets tough.

    • Make use of your pharmacist and other members of the healthcare team. This program includes up to 9 follow up appointments - make sure to use them all.

    • Consider medication help. Studies show that combining counselling advice from a healthcare professional with proven medications like nicotine replacement therapy or prescription options give the best chance for success. Combining more than one medication, like the nicotine patch plus fast-acting NRT or the nicotine patch plus prescription options may boost your odds further.

    • Enroll your friends and family as social support. Don’t hide your quit attempt. Let your loved ones know you’re trying to make a big change and need their help.

    • Discover new ways to relieve stress. Consider physical activity, listening to your favorite music, taking up new hobbies, meditating, or learning breathing techniques.

  • Pharmacies who have one or more pharmacist with special training in smoking cessation and the ability to prescribe medications to help you quit are eligible to participate. A list of participating pharmacies can be found at www.quitsmokingmb.ca

  • Yes. Because the program requires a comprehensive assessment, booking an appointment is required. Ask your pharmacy team for information on how to book an appointment.

  • Manitobans can enroll in the program from April 1, 2022 until March 31, 2025 or until the maximum number of participants (4,500) have been enrolled, whichever comes first.

  • This depends on the individual. Some are ready and able to go smoke-free rapidly, if they have enough support. Others will need to taper down their cigarette use before completely quitting. Your pharmacist can help you decide which route is best for you. Either way, staying smoke-free for the long-term will require an ongoing commitment and may have challenges, even months or years later. The support your pharmacist provides is a great resource to staying quit.

  • In addition to Quit Smoking with Your Manitoba Pharmacist, see our Resources page for other programs that may be available in your area.

  • To participate in the program, you must be at least 18 years of age or older, have a valid Manitoba health card, smoke cigarettes, and be willing to set a quit date in the near future.

  • Ask a team member at a participating pharmacy. They will confirm your eligibility, get your consent to participate, and schedule your initial appointment.

  • You will book an appointment with your pharmacist, where they will take a health and medication history, ask about your tobacco use, and partner with you to create a personalized quit plan. Your pharmacist can also prescribe NRT or other medications to help you quit smoking, if you want them. Up to nine (9) follow-up appointments can be used over the following twelve (12) months, where your pharmacist will check in on your progress and help troubleshoot any challenges you are having. You will also be contacted by a program evaluator 12 and 24 months after your enrollment to get your feedback on the program.

  • The cost of smoking cessation medications varies based on the type you choose, the dose needed, and how long you use them. However, the cost of medications is typically less than the cost of continuing to smoke, especially over the long-term. Quitting smoking saves you money even if you have some up-front costs for medications. To help out, the program includes a $100 subsidy for any medication costs you might incur.

  • Above and beyond the education all pharmacists have in areas like pharmacology and physiology, pharmacists participating in this program have undertaken additional training specific to tobacco use, including the biology of nicotine addiction, medication use for quitting smoking, and behaviour change. Participating pharmacists have completed specific training courses selected by the College of Pharmacists of Manitoba and are authorized by the College to prescribe and counsel for smoking cessation.

  • Let your family member know about this program and encourage them to get in touch with a participating pharmacy!

  • Once enrolled in the program, you are eligible for all parts of the program for 12 months after your initial appointment. If you are still using tobacco more than 12 months after your initial appointment, you may enroll for a second time.